Classic (Common)
Classic, the general magic most Starwalkers have. This magic is mostly cosmetic, but does have a few abilities. Capable of doing basics, picking up things, improving overall lifeforce, ect.
Golden (Common)
Golden, a strong, reliable magic. Capable of the basics, stronger spells, and is geared toward fire magic.
Blackfire Magic (Uncommon)
Blackfire, stable and average. Provides a strong foundation for most spells. Capable of casting larger spells, basics, and dark magic. Geared toward fire and stable dark magic.
Pure (Uncommon)
Pure, a very strong and good magic to use. Capable of casting a large variety of spells and lighter magic. Geared toward "pure" or powerful magic.
Rainbow Magic (Rare)
Rainbow, a mostly cosmetic magic that has few abilities. Capable of casting weaker spells and performance spells. Geared toward light rain and cosmetic magic.
Cosmic (Epic)
Cosmic, an extremely strong, stable form of magic. Capable of casting large amounts of magic and spells. Geared toward most types of magic.
Lightning (Epic)
Lightning, an unstable, but extremely strong form of magic. Capable of casting explosive and strong spells. Geared toward weather and eruptive magic.
Milkyway (Legendary)
Milkway, the strongest and most powerful magic. Capable of creating mini black holes, teleportation and alteration. Geared toward star magic.
Blackhole Magic (Corrupt)
Blackhole, the most unstable and dangerous magic. Capable of creating black holes, causing destruction, explosive magic, and dark magic.
Ooze Magic (Corrupt)
Ooze, a mysterious and shiny magic. Capable of leaving trails behind, contaminating life, and making temporary figures or weaponry out of Ooze.