

Classic (Common)

Category: Star Magic

Classic, the general magic most Starwalkers have. This magic is mostly cosmetic, but does have a few abilities. Capable of doing basics, picking up things, improving overall lifeforce, ect.


Nightsky (Common)

Category: Star Magic
Nightsky, a slightly more improved form of magic. Capable of creating mini-stars, tiny blasts of magic, doing the basics, ect. Geared toward night magic.

Golden (Common)

Category: Star Magic

Golden, a strong, reliable magic. Capable of the basics, stronger spells, and is geared toward fire magic.

Blackfire Magic

Blackfire Magic (Uncommon)

Category: Star Magic

Blackfire, stable and average. Provides a strong foundation for most spells. Capable of casting larger spells, basics, and dark magic. Geared toward fire and stable dark magic.


Pure (Uncommon)

Category: Star Magic

Pure, a very strong and good magic to use. Capable of casting a large variety of spells and lighter magic. Geared toward "pure" or powerful magic.

Rainbow Magic

Rainbow Magic (Rare)

Category: Star Magic

Rainbow, a mostly cosmetic magic that has few abilities. Capable of casting weaker spells and performance spells. Geared toward light rain and cosmetic magic.


Cosmic (Epic)

Category: Star Magic

Cosmic, an extremely strong, stable form of magic. Capable of casting large amounts of magic and spells. Geared toward most types of magic.


Lightning (Epic)

Category: Star Magic

Lightning, an unstable, but extremely strong form of magic. Capable of casting explosive and strong spells. Geared toward weather and eruptive magic.


Milkyway (Legendary)

Category: Star Magic

Milkway, the strongest and most powerful magic. Capable of creating mini black holes, teleportation and alteration. Geared toward star magic.

Custom Magic

Custom Magic (Royalty)

Category: Star Magic
Species: Starwalker (Royalty subtype)
Blackhole Magic

Blackhole Magic (Corrupt)

Category: Star Magic
Species: Starwalker (Corruption subtype)

Blackhole, the most unstable and dangerous magic. Capable of creating black holes, causing destruction, explosive magic, and dark magic.

Ooze Magic

Ooze Magic (Corrupt)

Category: Star Magic
Species: Starwalker (Corruption subtype)

Ooze, a mysterious and shiny magic. Capable of leaving trails behind, contaminating life, and making temporary figures or weaponry out of Ooze.

12 results found.